+++ Logs Of The Open door Elder Meeting +++
- Using LogScript by [Cereal] 'cause` its cooler than you and your dog' -
[ 18:40:51 Galen]: Good Evening
[ 18:40:58 Galen]: The weekly meeting for 19/03/99 will be held at 20:00:00 PM EST
[ 18:40:58 Galen]: Current local time is 20:04:53
[ 18:40:59 Galen]: ***
[ 18:40:59 Galen]: The weekly meeting will be presided over by
[ 18:40:59 Galen]: Galen 8,1-=ELDERS=-1,0 Founder 8,1-=ELDERS=-
[ 18:41:08 Galen]: 4,1 ( Disruptions no longer tolerated during meetings ]
[ 18:41:09 Galen]: Due to the volume of material to be covered,
[ 18:41:09 Galen]: members are asked to follow the meeting etiquette.
[ 18:41:09 Galen]: When I set mode to +m it means that only I may talk during that time.
[ 18:41:09 Galen]: I will ignore all private and DCC messages for the duration of the meeting
[ 18:41:24 Galen]:
[ 18:41:39 Galen]: I hope everyone has read the orders of business on the GOSN update
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[ 18:41:53 Galen]: +Graal will be out log bot for the meeting
[ 18:42:11 Galen]: I will now open up the floor for complaints/suggestions
[ 18:42:20 Azrael|AWAY]: ok
[ 18:42:21 Galen]: Anyone?
[ 18:42:24 Azrael|AWAY]: Elders was my idea
[ 18:42:26 Death]: yeah
[ 18:42:27 AznAndy]: lemme thing
[ 18:42:29 Fei1120]: ya i have an idea
[ 18:42:31 AznAndy]: thing -- think
[ 18:42:32 Azrael|AWAY]: just setting that strait
[ 18:42:38 Azrael|AWAY]: straight
[ 18:42:39 [Cereal]]: galen, u going to talk about the chat thing?
[ 18:42:49 Death]: well GO people most of them at least dont do there job properly
[ 18:42:49 RealBrady]: how do you change your name
[ 18:42:56 Azrael|AWAY]: shut up cereal
[ 18:43:01 Azrael|AWAY]: we'll save that until the end
[ 18:43:01 AznAndy]: Quiet death
[ 18:43:03 [Cereal]]: sorry
[ 18:43:05 RealBrady]: how
[ 18:43:08 KiLLiANs]: why doesnt the bar kept take my id
[ 18:43:08 King_Dan]: hey my CC website is awesome
[ 18:43:09 [Cereal]]: hrm
[ 18:43:22 AznAndy]: death, dont you have anything else to bother?
[ 18:43:23 RealBrady]: tell me
[ 18:43:50 The]: "/nick <yourname>
[ 18:43:56 AznAndy]: Will CC be up on graal when graal gets back?
[ 18:44:03 AznAndy]: online
*** PACHUKA joined the chat at 18:44:10 ***
[ 18:44:12 King_Dan]: yes (hopefully)
[ 18:44:13 KiLLiANs]: i have a complaint about this applet there is no contrast the bright green and white hurt my eyes
[ 18:44:13 Fei1120]: ok well anyways i want to know is why do u let pachuka hack and get away with it?
[ 18:44:16 Galen]: AznAndy, yes CC will eventually be incorprated into Graal
[ 18:44:28 AznAndy]: ok
[ 18:44:34 Azrael|AWAY]: can PACH and i be plused now
[ 18:44:51 Galen]: Fei> They will not be able to get away with it once the server and client cone out
[ 18:44:59 Galen]: Az> not now
[ 18:45:09 PACHUKA]: I've been updating my levels for hours
[ 18:45:16 PACHUKA]: what a pain in the ass
[ 18:45:17 AznAndy]: good, good
[ 18:45:21 Azrael|AWAY]: i havn't worked on revolt town in months
[ 18:45:27 Galen]: Death> what would you like to see done on GO?
[ 18:45:36 Death]: az i could do revolt town
[ 18:45:39 The_Unknown]: Get rid of the worthless levels
[ 18:45:46 Death]: yeah
[ 18:45:46 KiLLiANs]: my brewery is almost done...
[ 18:45:48 Fei1120]: oh ok and another thing, WHAT IS GO???
[ 18:45:49 PACHUKA]: me?
[ 18:45:56 Galen]: Go = Graal-Online user page
[ 18:45:59 Death]: Graal Online
[ 18:46:02 Fei1120]: oh ok
[ 18:46:06 PACHUKA]: (the real graal-online)
[ 18:46:07 Azrael|AWAY]: revolt town is my baby
[ 18:46:14 The]: Brady
[ 18:46:17 Azrael|AWAY]: it shall not be defiled by the taint that is all of you
[ 18:46:24 Azrael|AWAY]: buahahahahaha
[ 18:46:26 The]: RealBrady
[ 18:46:29 The]: AAAH
[ 18:46:34 AznAndy]: revolt town is good, but it was never finished, nor put online
[ 18:46:37 The_Unknown]: Lets get to the elders
[ 18:46:39 Death]: Deathian Town is the town im working on =]
[ 18:46:40 KiLLiANs]: oh so its too good for anyone to play?
[ 18:46:47 Azrael|AWAY]: actually i dumped some of it on mandi
[ 18:46:55 AznAndy]: hmmmmmm
[ 18:47:07 Azrael|AWAY]: if this is an elder meeting
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[ 18:47:22 AznAndy]: where are the rest of the elders?
[ 18:47:25 Azrael|AWAY]: i feel that galen is disgracing PACHUKA and i by not giving us our do
[ 18:47:27 Azrael|AWAY]: due
[ 18:47:29 Fei1120]: next, can u make it so that u could make your own head and the head would then be seen by others by saving it the the webgif dir?
[ 18:47:32 Death]: who has the highest votes as upcoming elders
[ 18:47:40 AznAndy]: No
[ 18:47:47 AznAndy]: fei-- no
[ 18:47:57 Fei1120]: why not?
[ 18:47:57 AznAndy]: i said that to stefan once
[ 18:47:59 PACHUKA]: I would like to state right now if a bunch of lame idiots start joining the elders, I will resign
[ 18:48:04 KiLLiANs]: i'm not confortable w/ the idea of being recorded
[ 18:48:06 The_Unknown]: We should take the top 10 then vote on the rest
[ 18:48:09 KiLLiANs]: im out
[ 18:48:16 Azrael|AWAY]: PACHUKA, we still have the right to not elect member
[ 18:48:18 AznAndy]: and he said-- that it would get abused like the horses
[ 18:48:22 The_Unknown]: We should take the top 10 then vote on the rest
[ 18:48:38 AznAndy]: hmmmmm
[ 18:48:39 Fei1120]: its seems it would be easy to do ive seen game do that before
[ 18:48:41 Death]: who is the top 10
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[ 18:49:05 AznAndy]: top ten votes for the people trying to join the elders
[ 18:49:14 BobDole53]: Galen I have a comment on graal online, section admins need to keep updated. Example: I sent lord steve some levels I made and the levels have yet to be up there. I sent them in about 2 weeks ago
[ 18:49:24 Death]: me too
[ 18:49:30 PACHUKA]: BobDole53, me as well
[ 18:49:33 AznAndy]: oh
[ 18:49:39 AznAndy]: I know why
[ 18:49:56 The_Unknown]: lets get on with it already!
[ 18:49:56 AznAndy]: Steve lives and UK, and has a major phone bill
[ 18:49:56 King_Dan]: yeah man scorp hasnt been online in 2 weeks, so theres no link to the CC page
[ 18:49:56 Bllod_Lance]: Hey, whatd i miss?
[ 18:50:05 The_Unknown]: nothing
[ 18:50:05 AznAndy]: heh
[ 18:50:06 [Cereal]]: ummm
[ 18:50:13 [Cereal]]: i saw scorp last nite
[ 18:50:16 [Cereal]]: and this morning
[ 18:50:18 Death]: scorp has been on at night every night
[ 18:50:19 Azrael_the_ungod]: there is no news
[ 18:50:20 The_Unknown]: they have a certain color teeth
[ 18:50:21 Azrael_the_ungod]: graal is dead
[ 18:50:22 [Cereal]]: and a few days b4 that
[ 18:50:28 King_Dan]: AHHHH
[ 18:50:28 AznAndy]: no news?
[ 18:50:30 AznAndy]: no news?
[ 18:50:33 King_Dan]: what time is he on?
[ 18:50:36 The_Unknown]: I'll make some
[ 18:50:38 Galen]: BobDole53> Lord Scorpion has not updated in 3 weeks, I am aware of this. He will be replaced
[ 18:50:40 AznAndy]: galen gets more news than Az
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[ 18:51:00 Fei1120]: could stephan make it so that if u had a microphone, u could use it??
[ 18:51:00 King_Dan]: yes yes yes
[ 18:51:04 King_Dan]: graal graal graal
[ 18:51:12 AznAndy]: blah
[ 18:51:16 BobDole53]: ok
[ 18:51:20 King_Dan]: mic = major lag
[ 18:51:22 Galen]: Does anyone else have questions or complaints that need to be addressed?
[ 18:51:27 AznAndy]: hmmm
[ 18:51:28 Bllod_Lance]: Who are the most voted elders now
[ 18:51:29 Fei1120]: ya
[ 18:51:29 mrhack636]: fei u know how slow graal would be
[ 18:51:30 The_Unknown]: Yes
[ 18:51:42 Fei1120]: good point
[ 18:51:43 The_Unknown]: Lets get to the elders
[ 18:51:54 AznAndy]: ...........
[ 18:51:57 King_Dan]: it would make the server be down 90% if the time
[ 18:52:07 Galen]: 8,1If you hae a complaint, please private message me by typine /msg Galen your_complaint_here
[ 18:52:25 AznAndy]: that is irrelevant
[ 18:52:25 The_Unknown]: chicken pot,chicken pot,chicken pot pie
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[ 18:52:28 The_Unknown]: chicken pot,chicken pot,chicken pot pie
[ 18:52:37 AznAndy]: blah blah blah
[ 18:52:41 mrhack636]: got to go cya all
[ 18:52:44 The_Unknown]: Hey! he's cool
[ 18:52:45 AznAndy]: cluck cluck cluck
[ 18:52:48 [Cereal]]: seeya hack
[ 18:52:51 [Cereal]]: ahh nm
[ 18:52:53 The_Unknown]: later
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[ 18:52:59 Bllod_Lance]: Will someone tell me who are the most voted applications?
[ 18:53:04 Galen]: Okay, next we the Elders will hold private council for each of the 6 canadates
[ 18:53:23 Galen]: Elders, please join the Elder channel that is listed on the members page
[ 18:53:41 Galen]: Players, the Elders will go over each of the top 6 applications 1 by 1
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[ 18:53:58 Galen]: The Top6 applications are on GOSN
[ 18:54:04 Player5MoD]: !!!
[ 18:54:05 Azrael_the_ungod]: p5
[ 18:54:05 Death]: what are elders for
[ 18:54:08 Azrael_the_ungod]: remember there is a key
[ 18:54:21 AznAndy]: whatever
[ 18:54:23 Shoh]: GOSN? I'm out of it.
[ 18:54:24 TheBrady]: p5 can i buy the MoD guildhouse
[ 18:54:25 AznAndy]: hmmmmmmm
[ 18:54:29 AznAndy]: brb
[ 18:54:30 The_Unknown]: c'mon tell us
[ 18:54:34 BobDole53]: gosn=graal online system news
[ 18:54:37 King_Dan]: do we goto the channel right now galen?
[ 18:54:38 Shoh]: Ah
[ 18:54:41 Shoh]: Okay.
[ 18:54:42 Shoh]: BRB
[ 18:54:48 Player5MoD]: later, Brady...
[ 18:54:56 TheBrady]: bye
*** The_Unknown joined the chat at 18:54:58 ***
[ 18:55:03 The_Unknown]: i don't see it
[ 18:55:05 PACHUKA]: p5 can i have the MoD guildhouse
[ 18:55:17 TheBrady]: i want a room
[ 18:55:20 Death]: pachuka will put it to good ude
[ 18:55:20 The_Unknown]: Its not there
[ 18:55:22 TheBrady]: pach
[ 18:55:26 Azrael_the_ungod]: iown GoH
[ 18:55:28 Death]: NO BRADEY
[ 18:55:29 [Cereal]]: brb
[ 18:55:38 Death]: i didnt even get a house in Pachy land
[ 18:55:39 TheBrady]: pach
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[ 18:55:46 TheBrady]: me neither
[ 18:55:49 Death]: you ignorrant sucka
[ 18:55:58 Death]: yeah and your also a newbie
[ 18:56:13 Shoh]: I prefer this quote, Death:
[ 18:56:14 TheBrady]: no i have been on for 5 months
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[ 18:56:21 Death]: BS
[ 18:56:24 Shoh]: I just took you ta school, biatch!
[ 18:56:25 Player5MoD]: AGAIN I AM REMOVED!
[ 18:56:31 Shoh]: Heh
[ 18:56:41 TheBrady]: p5
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[ 18:56:46 AznAndy]: i am back
[ 18:56:47 The_Unknown]: who's the elders!
[ 18:56:47 TheBrady]: can i have a room
[ 18:56:49 Bllod_Lance]: Banning words suck like hell!
[ 18:56:54 Bllod_Lance]: I hate it
[ 18:57:11 AznAndy]: What did i miss?
[ 18:57:12 TheBrady]: LELETATA???
[ 18:57:17 The_Unknown]: C'MON WHO IS THE NEW ELDERS!!!!!!
[ 18:57:28 AznAndy]: there are 6 canidates
[ 18:57:34 AznAndy]: visit graal online userpage
[ 18:57:38 TheBrady]: DEATH YOU CAN SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ 18:57:39 AznAndy]: graal.terraweb.net
[ 18:57:48 AznAndy]: they are:
[ 18:57:48 Death]: WOW Bradey thats original
[ 18:57:53 AznAndy]: Fod-God
[ 18:57:54 TheBrady]: if you hate death say i
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[ 18:58:00 AznAndy]: Cygnus
[ 18:58:02 PACHUKA]: updated graal map -
[ 18:58:07 AznAndy]: Sir greatn
[ 18:58:15 AznAndy]: [Cereal]
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[ 18:58:34 AznAndy]: Link[105]Jk and Corson
[ 18:58:43 AznAndy]: Stop it Az
[ 18:58:46 AznAndy]: Stop it Az
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[ 18:58:54 Azrael_the_ungod]: buahahahaha
[ 18:58:59 PACHUKA]: fuck this, this is gay
[ 18:59:18 TheBrady]: P5
[ 18:59:18 AznAndy]: look, a spare player5
[ 18:59:39 AznAndy]: great
[ 18:59:48 TheBrady]: DEATH SUCKS
[ 18:59:53 P5|Spare]: Yep, I'm a spare...
[ 19:00:01 TheBrady]: he cheats
[ 19:00:13 AznAndy]: Death is gone anyways
[ 19:00:15 AznAndy]: heh
[ 19:00:18 AznAndy]: oooooops
[ 19:00:23 Death]: I dont cheat retard
[ 19:00:35 Death]: If i do say how i cheat
[ 19:00:39 [Cereal]]: oops
[ 19:00:44 [Cereal]]: my script
[ 19:00:46 AznAndy]: ouch..........
[ 19:00:58 [Cereal]]: there
[ 19:01:01 [Cereal]]: gone
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[ 19:01:04 AznAndy]: good
[ 19:01:04 Blood_Lance]: 9A guest user! I hate people who dont use there real name, Blood_Lance strikes guest35042 with an axe, red hot blood pours from the guests face!
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[ 19:01:33 [Cereal]]: back btw
[ 19:02:01 Bradeys_Momma]: wow bradey your original
[ 19:02:02 Evil-Bread]: hey cereal what's up
[ 19:02:05 Deaths_Momma]: death is a bad kid
[ 19:02:09 [Cereal]]: hey
[ 19:02:12 Deaths_Momma]: i know
[ 19:02:21 Bradeys_Momma]: wow bradey your original
[ 19:02:24 The_Unknown]: this is an elder's meeting?
[ 19:02:28 The_Unknown]: this is an elder's meeting?
[ 19:02:28 Evil-Bread]: how goes the whole chat weird thing?
[ 19:02:31 The_Unknown]: this is an elder's meeting?
[ 19:02:41 The_Unknown]: this sucks
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[ 19:02:44 Deaths_Momma]: IF YOU HATE DEATH SAY I
[ 19:02:53 Deaths_Momma]: I
[ 19:03:09 P5|Spare]: This is bad...
[ 19:03:10 Bradeys_Momma]: no one cares bradey
[ 19:03:10 Shoh]: Yeesh
[ 19:03:16 Deaths_Momma]: women dont have dicks
[ 19:03:16 [Cereal]]: guys..
[ 19:03:23 [Cereal]]: please act your ages
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[ 19:03:35 Bradey]: i know you mom
[ 19:03:45 Bradey]: is actually a transvesite
[ 19:03:59 Bradey]: I like having gay sex with bob fett
[ 19:04:15 Death]: i am gay
[ 19:04:16 Shoh]: Gimme a break
[ 19:04:20 Bradey]: ohh evil bread you look so yummy
[ 19:04:21 Death]: i am an ass
[ 19:04:34 Shoh]: No, you're a clone.
[ 19:04:38 Bradey]: cereal bend over
[ 19:04:40 Shoh]: And a faggot.
[ 19:04:46 Bradey]: and get ready for a pleasing
[ 19:04:53 Death]: i am so fat when i go in an elevator i cant go up
[ 19:05:01 Death]: i ONLY go down
[ 19:05:31 Bradey]: i finger bang my self in the ainal
[ 19:05:32 Bradey]: i finger bang my self in the ainal
[ 19:05:33 Bradey]: i finger bang my self in the ainal
[ 19:05:33 [Cereal]]: u 2 DO realise the logs are going up on the graal-terraweb-online site rite?
[ 19:05:33 Bradey]: i finger bang my self in the ainal
[ 19:05:36 Bradey]: i finger bang my self in the ainal
[ 19:05:52 BobDole53]: that was so stupid I actually laughed, the one that the real bradly said
[ 19:06:16 Real_Bradey]: i like hot gay sex
[ 19:06:24 P5|Spare]: Sure...
[ 19:06:25 Blood_Lance]: Hey you said they ananced the new elders, I checked the elder site and it says nothin bout it!
[ 19:06:28 Real_Bradey]: ohh feels so goood
[ 19:06:49 [Cereal]]: blood - give it time
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[ 19:07:09 Blood_Lance]: I HATE GUESTS!
[ 19:07:12 Real_Bradey]: i wish boba was here so i could hit his buns
[ 19:07:14 The_Unknown]: this sucked big cock
[ 19:07:18 Real_Bradey]: i wish boba was here so i could hit his buns
[ 19:07:31 The_Unknown]: this sucked big cock
[ 19:07:38 The_Unknown]: HUGE COCK
[ 19:07:43 Blood_Lance]: Are you some homosexual like Vegeto Brad/
[ 19:07:44 Real_Bradey]: ooh can i suck your fat ass cock?
[ 19:07:45 Evil-Bread]: yo Cereal
[ 19:07:51 The_Unknown]: we got nothin done
[ 19:07:53 RealBrady]: no he is death
[ 19:07:54 [Cereal]]: yea man?
[ 19:08:08 Evil-Bread]: These guys are sick!
[ 19:08:11 Real_Bradey]: no im real bradey
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[ 19:08:15 [Cereal]]: i agree
[ 19:08:22 RealBrady]: i am the Real one
[ 19:08:25 Real_Bradey]: I like to masturbate feeels so good
[ 19:08:28 The_Unknown]: 2 Hey Galen!
[ 19:08:30 RealBrady]: Brady not Bradey
[ 19:08:33 Real_Bradey]: im the Real one
[ 19:08:41 Evil-Bread]: we need ops to get rid of them
[ 19:08:45 RealBrady]: death you suck
[ 19:08:50 RealBrady]: i am real
[ 19:08:54 RealBrady]: trust me
[ 19:08:55 Real_Bradey]: im not death im brady
[ 19:08:56 Chaps]: of who
[ 19:08:59 Blood_Lance]: Lets talk about something interesting, did anyone kill a damm newbie that though he was better than u in a dual?
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[ 19:09:07 Chaps]: no ops?
[ 19:09:16 Evil-Bread]: All these sick sick people
[ 19:09:29 Shoh|Away]: Azrael
[ 19:09:32 RealBrady]: azrael now cheat and kick Death out
[ 19:09:38 Death]: yeah i killed bradey 3 times before he killed me once
[ 19:09:54 Blood_Lance]: U are brad
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[ 19:09:59 RealBrady]: death it is Brady
[ 19:10:07 Death]: nope im death
[ 19:10:12 RealBrady]: not Bradey
[ 19:10:23 RealBrady]: i am the real Brady
[ 19:10:23 Death]: what the hell ever its still a gay name
[ 19:10:36 Blood_Lance]: how come most jks suck at duals?
[ 19:10:43 Shoh|Away]: If you warp to a URL but don't open your browser, (I know its a command) can you walk about on the webpage?
[ 19:10:46 Death]: cause they suck
[ 19:11:03 The_Unknown]: 4 Galen you suck!
[ 19:11:09 Galen]: what?
[ 19:11:10 RealBrady]: deaths name in real life is probably ima pig or something
[ 19:11:13 Galen]: we'te almost done
[ 19:11:18 [Cereal]]: k
[ 19:11:18 Shoh]: If not, that would be quite cool.
[ 19:11:24 The_Unknown]: 5 doing what!?
[ 19:11:36 The_Unknown]: 6 WE DID NOTHIN!
[ 19:11:57 [Cereal]]: unknow
[ 19:11:59 Galen]: the Elders are working on the apps
[ 19:11:59 [Cereal]]: unknown
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[ 19:12:02 Death]: well im leaving
[ 19:12:03 RealBrady]: im bailing see ya ill still be on aol and icq
[ 19:12:04 [Cereal]]: yea
[ 19:12:10 The_Unknown]: 2 They're just talking sucking cocks
[ 19:12:23 Viscera]: Heh. I'm my RoD character now.
[ 19:12:24 The_Unknown]: 2 They're just talking about sucking cocks
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[ 19:13:00 Viscera]: **PooF**
[ 19:13:32 Vegeta]: what did I miss?
[ 19:13:34 Blood_Lance]: Are we conna talk bout graal or what, Galen, Az and Dole and anyone who gives a damm, I havent heard from u in a long time (on the chat today)
[ 19:13:47 [Cereal]]: vf
[ 19:13:49 The_Unknown]: 14 nothing
[ 19:14:03 Blood_Lance]: STOP CHANGING NAMES
[ 19:14:07 BobDole53]: I'm just waiting for galen and the elders to get done with thier meeting
[ 19:14:14 The_Unknown]: 2b4o5r1i9n8g
[ 19:14:35 Vegeta]: Ummmm I thought this wa a meeting
[ 19:14:46 The_Unknown]: were not worthy
[ 19:14:51 Blood_Lance]: Fuck off
[ 19:14:57 The_Unknown]: me?
[ 19:14:59 Vegeta]: I signed up to become a edler
[ 19:15:01 Blood_Lance]: Im worthy
[ 19:15:09 The_Unknown]: of a cock suck
[ 19:15:09 Vegeta]: so am i
[ 19:15:10 BobDole53]: it is, but right now the elders are in a seperate room going over the six applicants who were the highest voted
[ 19:15:13 Blood_Lance]: I take graal fuckin serouslly
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[ 19:15:24 The_Unknown]: cause you're a loser
[ 19:15:35 Galen]: 8,1The Elder results are in!
[ 19:15:42 The_Unknown]: 2go chug some beers or go to work
[ 19:15:46 Death]: Yeah =] I lost =]
[ 19:16:00 Galen]: 8,1The NEW Elders are....<drum roll>
[ 19:16:14 Galen]: 8,1Corson and Sie Greatn
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[ 19:16:25 Galen]: Sir Grean, excure me
[ 19:16:30 Galen]: Greatn
[ 19:16:39 BobDole53]: I would say wtg, but they aren't here
[ 19:16:56 The_Unknown]: 2I honestly think they cheated
[ 19:17:02 Blood_Lance]: Whats GOSN?
[ 19:17:03 The_Unknown]: not them but link
[ 19:17:05 Death]: Yeah they could have
[ 19:17:15 Death]: just get hotmail accounts
[ 19:17:15 The_Unknown]: check the IP
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[ 19:17:16 BobDole53]: gosn=graal online system news
[ 19:17:28 The_Unknown]: I've never heard of some of them
[ 19:17:29 Galen]: The next order of business is to take care of the little problem that we had last night
[ 19:17:39 The_Unknown]: 4wait
[ 19:17:46 P5|Spare]: Cool...
[ 19:17:48 Death]: Im gonna go get lunch
[ 19:18:03 The_Unknown]: 2 I'm gonna kill the new elders
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[ 19:18:23 P5|Spare]: Good for you, Unknown
[ 19:18:27 Galen]: I hope everyone has read the 'abuse.txt' file
[ 19:18:28 The_Unknown]: thanx
[ 19:18:33 P5|Spare]: Umm no...
[ 19:18:38 P5|Spare]: Where's that?
[ 19:18:39 [Cereal]]: where is it?
[ 19:18:46 BobDole53]: it's on GO
[ 19:18:47 The_Unknown]: 4 I'll kill them for everyone in Graal
[ 19:18:56 P5|Spare]: Suuuurrree you will...
[ 19:19:03 The_Unknown]: I pissed
[ 19:19:07 Blood_Lance]: HUHHH, thers no update, azreal still has it the exact same
[ 19:19:09 The_Unknown]: 7I'll do it
[ 19:19:27 Death|Eating]: who where the runners up Galen
[ 19:19:33 BobDole53]: the_unknown=pissed cause you weren't voted into the elders?
[ 19:19:36 Galen]: there are no runners up
[ 19:19:55 Death|Eating]: the next 4 people
[ 19:20:00 P5|Spare]: There it is...
[ 19:20:00 Galen]: the top6 are on display at GOSN
[ 19:20:05 Blood_Lance]: Who are the elders?
[ 19:20:13 The_Unknown]: 4whats sir Greatn's e-mail?
[ 19:20:27 Blood_Lance]: The news isint updated
[ 19:20:35 Death|Eating]: i know
[ 19:20:46 The_Unknown]: can you tell me?
[ 19:20:47 P5|Spare]: reading....
[ 19:20:48 BobDole53]: not azraels news site, the news that is on the main page
[ 19:21:01 Death|Eating]: we know bob
[ 19:21:02 Galen]: Asuming everyone has read the abuse file, what do you propose should be done about it?
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[ 19:21:16 BobDole53]: death>just telling blood_lance
[ 19:21:22 Death|Eating]: ok
[ 19:21:26 The_Unknown]: make a movie, I don't read
[ 19:21:31 Blood_Lance]: tell me what
[ 19:21:43 The_Unknown]: 4make a movie, I don't read
[ 19:21:59 BobDole53]: that the news that is being refered to isn't azraels news but the news on the main page
[ 19:22:02 P5|Spare]: Thank you!
[ 19:22:02 Galen]: very annoying
[ 19:22:20 Blood_Lance]: Where is the GSON page gale, is it azreals new site?
[ 19:22:25 Galen]: no
[ 19:22:27 Blood_Lance]: galen
[ 19:22:28 Galen]: on the GO main page
[ 19:22:53 P5|Spare]: Take your time
[ 19:22:54 Death]: me too
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[ 19:24:19 Death]: ahhh... refreshing
[ 19:24:30 Blood_Lance]: Damm fuck, I didnt make it, YOULL BE SORRY, WHEN GRAAL DIES YOULL THINK"DAMM,I SHOULD HAVE VOTED FOR BL"
[ 19:24:48 Death]: shutup i dodnt make it either
[ 19:24:53 P5|Spare]: Suuree
[ 19:24:58 BobDole53]: no, I'll be thinking "damn, graal died"
[ 19:25:31 Death]: blood lance i never even see you playing graal when the server is up anyway
[ 19:25:36 P5|Spare]: I'll be thinking, "Who gives?"
[ 19:25:39 P5|Spare]: Or not
[ 19:26:05 Blood_Lance]: GOTTA CALM DOWN, Blod_Lance slaps himself
[ 19:26:11 Death]: Thought: oh well im switching to STAR CRAFT
[ 19:26:15 P5|Spare]: Whoo hah! I MADE A GUEST APPEARANCE AS A SKULL!
[ 19:26:27 Galen]: People, what should be done about the offenders of lst night;s literlude?
[ 19:26:40 Death]: no OPs fo them
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[ 19:26:56 Galen]: And for our current chat admin?
[ 19:26:58 P5|Spare]: I dunno...
[ 19:27:05 P5|Spare]: still reading...
[ 19:27:17 Galen]: Should he be striped of his rank?
[ 19:27:24 BobDole53]: from what I read, it appears that all the ops involved got a little carried away with thier power
[ 19:27:28 [Cereal]]: who thinks i had the right to take back the room from them who attacked me many times for no reason?
[ 19:27:38 Chaps]: ?
[ 19:27:50 [Cereal]]: they repeatedly kciked and banned me
[ 19:27:53 Blood_Lance]: not me
[ 19:27:55 Chaps]: I do
[ 19:28:12 P5|Spare]: All sides are at fault.... Including me... although I can't prove any of this...
[ 19:28:18 Chaps]: I would of kicked them all out youre in charge right
[ 19:28:30 Evil-Bread]: I think Cereal did a good job
[ 19:28:31 [Cereal]]: who chaps?
[ 19:28:37 Galen]: I don't know
[ 19:28:45 Blood_Lance]: Yes, I finnaly calmed down, I'll just wait till next allectrion
[ 19:28:45 Chaps]: who?
[ 19:28:53 Chaps]: who caused it?
[ 19:29:02 Galen]: the text shows all
[ 19:29:28 P5|Spare]: Hmmm.... Ends with chaps saying ok...
[ 19:29:43 Evil-Bread]: Chaps read abuse.txt for the full thing
[ 19:29:51 Chaps]: i know
[ 19:29:57 Galen]: there actually is more, but I never got it into the file
[ 19:30:09 Galen]: there about 30minutes missing from the log
[ 19:30:12 Blood_Lance]: whens the next election
[ 19:30:15 P5|Spare]: Ooh...
[ 19:30:15 BobDole53]: pach kicking graal might have been a little extreme
[ 19:30:27 P5|Spare]: This is a toughie...
[ 19:30:37 Chaps]: Are we talking about yesterdays, or the time mandi was causing problems?
[ 19:30:44 P5|Spare]: First, we all know ONE thing's for sure...
[ 19:30:45 Galen]: yesterday
[ 19:30:49 Chaps]: ok
[ 19:30:56 P5|Spare]: I am a skull
[ 19:31:05 Galen]: thats nice
[ 19:31:09 Player5|Skull]: There
[ 19:31:23 Player5|Skull]: Let's review the less important facts.
[ 19:31:28 Player5|Skull]: D'oh!
[ 19:31:32 Melkor]: hehe
[ 19:31:36 Player5|Skull]: Maybe not less...
[ 19:31:41 Galen]: go on
[ 19:32:02 Player5|Skull]: Azrael got mad a Cereal for what he says is abusing his power.
[ 19:32:14 Player5|Skull]: a=at
[ 19:32:20 Galen]: and what did Cerean do to abuse them (I don't remember)
[ 19:32:40 Galen]: what was Azrael's reson for his complaint?
[ 19:32:40 Player5|Skull]: Az? Care to throw in your 2 bits?
[ 19:33:04 Player5|Skull]: He thought Cereal had made too many ops, I believe.
[ 19:33:08 [Cereal]]: from what i understand
[ 19:33:30 BobDole53]: I want to know what the reason was for cereal making graal invite only
[ 19:33:31 [Cereal]]: he said that i was abusing my powers by unbanning my bots
[ 19:33:33 [Cereal]]: altho
[ 19:33:43 Player5|Skull]: The parties in question are Azrael and Cereal
[ 19:33:48 [Cereal]]: he never explained that till we both lost our power
[ 19:34:02 Player5|Skull]: Ah, yes...
[ 19:34:21 Player5|Skull]: Ahem, Azrael, what do you have to say?...
[ 19:34:22 [Cereal]]: and repeatedly kicked, banned me and +i'd the room
[ 19:34:37 Player5|Skull]: Whoops... You weren't done...
[ 19:35:26 [Cereal]]: /chanserv invite #graal me i think
[ 19:35:40 Galen]: it's a password
[ 19:35:47 Galen]: Yes Cereal, I got it
[ 19:35:50 [Cereal]]: k
[ 19:35:55 Chaps]: Ok,my 2 cents..Cereal is officialy in charge of the room right? Then AZ Kicking the main guy off right??
[ 19:35:56 Galen]: I did it myself
[ 19:36:04 [Cereal]]: well..
[ 19:36:05 Galen]: true
[ 19:36:11 [Cereal]]: SUPPOSEDLY im in charge]
[ 19:36:26 [Cereal]]: YET galen gave az the same user-level as me
[ 19:36:39 Chaps]: cereal got people to come to the chat..before it sucked
[ 19:36:40 [Cereal]]: as well as the other elders exept mycroft
[ 19:36:43 Player5|Skull]: Galen, your turn. Who should have more power in the chat, Cereal or Azrael?
[ 19:36:49 [Cereal]]: im not blaming..
[ 19:36:59 [Cereal]]: but im curious
[ 19:37:00 Player5|Skull]: And me.
[ 19:37:03 Galen]: Azrael was not the Chat Admin, so Cereal has authority
[ 19:37:06 Player5|Skull]: I wasn't an op...
[ 19:37:09 Evil-Bread]: You can't Fire your Boss. So Az shouldn't of kicked Cereal
[ 19:37:28 Player5|Skull]: NOW we're getting somewhere.
[ 19:37:35 Player5|Skull]: If Az would fight for his case....
[ 19:37:35 [Cereal]]: yup
[ 19:37:54 [Cereal]]: guys.. i'd like to say thanks for fighting for me (|:-)
[ 19:38:00 Galen]: I just msged Az
[ 19:38:07 Player5|Skull]: We're pointing the facts out...
[ 19:38:16 Azrael_the_ungod]: yay i fixed my spacebar
[ 19:38:18 Galen]: Now, the bots did get annoying
[ 19:38:18 [Cereal]]: yup, but ur helping me
[ 19:38:20 Azrael_the_ungod]: finally
[ 19:38:27 Galen]: They went out of bounds
[ 19:38:37 [Cereal]]: i would have removed them when simply asked
[ 19:38:40 Azrael_the_ungod]: i booted the nbots
[ 19:38:42 Player5|Skull]: Yes. Everyone was abusing them...
[ 19:38:53 [Cereal]]: and u also booted me too
[ 19:38:56 Azrael_the_ungod]: cereal wouldn't get rid of them
[ 19:39:01 Azrael_the_ungod]: so i kicked banned the bot
[ 19:39:03 [Cereal]]: u never asked
[ 19:39:04 Azrael_the_ungod]: which banned him
[ 19:39:08 Evil-Bread]: If you screw around at your job you'll get fired, If you abouse you power at work you get fired, If you be rude to your BOSS the one that hired you in the First place you get Fired!
[ 19:39:08 Azrael_the_ungod]: before i could unban him
[ 19:39:16 Azrael_the_ungod]: he forces in and starts kickng me
[ 19:39:21 Azrael_the_ungod]: when pach unbans me
[ 19:39:22 Chaps]: When i was herte Cereal got rid of them the second people began abusing them
[ 19:39:26 Azrael_the_ungod]: cereal bans pach
[ 19:39:33 [Cereal]]: u never asked me to remove them
[ 19:39:43 Azrael_the_ungod]: it was painfully obvious
[ 19:39:50 Azrael_the_ungod]: when i told ppl to stop abusing them
[ 19:39:52 Azrael_the_ungod]: but you are right
[ 19:39:56 Galen]: C, you should have realizes that they were not wanted
[ 19:40:00 Azrael_the_ungod]: i should have remembered your iq is only 5
[ 19:40:03 [Cereal]]: i was away at school
[ 19:40:08 Azrael_the_ungod]: no you weren't
[ 19:40:11 Player5|Skull]: Please... no insults...
[ 19:40:14 Azrael_the_ungod]: we even had a chat
[ 19:40:19 Azrael_the_ungod]: where i explained it to you
[ 19:40:24 [Cereal]]: wait
[ 19:40:27 Player5|Skull]: Was that logged?
[ 19:40:37 [Cereal]]: yup
[ 19:40:38 Azrael_the_ungod]: i didn't log it
[ 19:40:40 Player5|Skull]: Lemme see...
[ 19:40:49 Player5|Skull]: Is it in abuse.txt?
[ 19:40:57 [Cereal]]: http://graal.terraweb.net/chat/azrael.log
[ 19:40:59 Galen]: abuse.txt came from Graal
[ 19:41:08 Player5|Skull]: Oh ok.
[ 19:41:22 Galen]: it was cut short by the kick
[ 19:41:43 Azrael_the_ungod]: oh
[ 19:41:48 Azrael_the_ungod]: then he started the mass kicking
[ 19:41:55 Galen]: I have that loged myself
[ 19:41:56 Azrael_the_ungod]: we couldn't talk about it
[ 19:42:00 Azrael_the_ungod]: he went boot crazy
[ 19:42:13 BobDole53]: from what I read from abuse.txt it seems like the reason that az banned cereal was cause cereal threatened to, or did kick mandi the night before. Az> am I correct in thinking this, or misinformed
[ 19:42:14 Chaps]: can you blame him
[ 19:42:33 [Cereal]]: I DID NOT KICK OR DEOP MANDI!!!!!!
[ 19:42:34 Azrael_the_ungod]: pach and i didn't mass kick
[ 19:42:47 Chaps]: and mandi booted cereal the night before
[ 19:42:54 Galen]: Do I have to check for logs form 2 days ago?
[ 19:42:54 Azrael_the_ungod]: no i simply informed cereal
[ 19:42:54 Evil-Bread]: I was there
[ 19:42:59 Azrael_the_ungod]: that he shouldn't op
[ 19:43:01 [Cereal]]: there was more than 1 of u k/bing me, it was my only sollution
[ 19:43:01 Azrael_the_ungod]: or deop ppl
[ 19:43:07 Azrael_the_ungod]: or threaten that
[ 19:43:12 Azrael_the_ungod]: without galen's consent
[ 19:43:17 Player5|Skull]: Ahem..
[ 19:43:20 Player5|Skull]: Galen?
[ 19:43:20 [Cereal]]: he was away
[ 19:43:24 Azrael_the_ungod]: cereal you don't know that
[ 19:43:25 Galen]: I'm watching
[ 19:43:32 Azrael_the_ungod]: we had to kick you because you went ban crazy
[ 19:43:38 Player5|Skull]: Did you trust Cereal with opping in the chat completely?
[ 19:43:38 [Cereal]]: his name was Galen||Away
[ 19:43:39 Galen]: Since I wasn't there, I can't say much
[ 19:43:42 Azrael_the_ungod]: and mass kick crazy
[ 19:43:49 [Cereal]]: WHAT?????? thats fulla ****
[ 19:43:56 Azrael_the_ungod]: pachuka is my witness
[ 19:44:03 Azrael_the_ungod]: and so is everyone else that was masskicked
[ 19:44:05 Azrael_the_ungod]: over 3 times
[ 19:44:08 Player5|Skull]: Cereal did MKick...
[ 19:44:24 Player5|Skull]: I was gone for more than one...
[ 19:44:34 Player5|Skull]: Java crashed...
[ 19:44:35 Galen]: P5> I did give him level 5, which allowed him to create level 3 and 4
[ 19:44:50 [Cereal]]: i mkicked cuz there was more than 1 of u k/bing me, it was my only sollution, i have the right to be in there, u where stopping my rights therefore i had the right to remove you with the authority of chat admin
[ 19:44:59 Azrael_the_ungod]: only i wasdoing it
[ 19:45:09 Azrael_the_ungod]: you were kicking pach because he helped me
[ 19:45:10 Player5|Skull]: Pach was helping you...
[ 19:45:16 Player5|Skull]: Yes...
[ 19:45:19 Player5|Skull]: A team...
[ 19:45:34 Player5|Skull]: If one is K/Bed the other will enact vengeance...
[ 19:45:34 Azrael_the_ungod]: we were simply defending our intresst
[ 19:45:43 Evil-Bread]: Cereal has done a Great thing for this Chat it used to be plane and boring, then he took over and made it much better
[ 19:45:45 Azrael_the_ungod]: and since according to sources you could totally deop someone
[ 19:45:51 Azrael_the_ungod]: we didn't want to risk the same
[ 19:45:59 Player5|Skull]: I see.
[ 19:46:01 Azrael_the_ungod]: with his bots
[ 19:46:10 Azrael_the_ungod]: but then going around and threatening ppl
[ 19:46:14 Chaps]: Until Cerreal took over I never saw a soul in the chat
[ 19:46:19 [Cereal]]: SHOULD THAT NOT BE ENOUGH TO REMOVE U IF U ARE ABUSING ME? IN THE CHAT I HABVE HIGHER AUTHORITY! god i sound like im on jerry springer or something
[ 19:46:20 Azrael_the_ungod]: because he doesn't like who they are is almost like me
[ 19:46:32 Azrael_the_ungod]: no
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[ 19:46:36 Azrael_the_ungod]: you are equal to all ops
[ 19:46:42 Azrael_the_ungod]: and another point
[ 19:46:45 Azrael_the_ungod]: you are a newbie
[ 19:46:55 [Cereal]]: is 1 month is new
[ 19:46:56 Chaps]: 2he isn't to this
[ 19:46:57 Death]: WHo is Cereal
[ 19:46:58 Azrael_the_ungod]: yet you presumed that you could come between a 6 month friendship
[ 19:46:59 Player5|Skull]: Galen? Do you agree to Az's point of equality to other ops?
[ 19:47:04 [Cereal]]: whats ir matter anyways?
[ 19:47:09 Azrael_the_ungod]: (which he did unfortunatly =[)
[ 19:47:22 Galen]: paste plz
[ 19:47:32 Azrael_the_ungod]: have him paste
[ 19:47:34 Azrael_the_ungod]: i didn't log it
[ 19:47:44 Chaps]: 2i don't agree to equa OP cereal is the boss..hes the only one mature enough to handle it
[ 19:47:45 Azrael_the_ungod]: and it is in our private chat
[ 19:47:49 Azrael_the_ungod]: i remember saying it
[ 19:47:52 [Cereal]]: nope, this isn't about friendship, its about the wellbeing of the chat
[ 19:47:57 Player5|Skull]: Point.
[ 19:48:00 Death]: i wanna be OP
[ 19:48:03 Azrael_the_ungod]: what well being
[ 19:48:04 Death]: im fair
[ 19:48:16 Azrael_the_ungod]: no one really abused their power until we had reason to
[ 19:48:20 Azrael_the_ungod]: and that was when you threatened
[ 19:48:37 Chaps]: and what was your reason?
[ 19:48:46 [Cereal]]: threatened? umm
[ 19:48:47 Galen]: I can't find what Az said, but I'll answer the question.
[ 19:48:53 Death]: Cereal you may have some power in Graal chat but ypu have none in over Graal so back down
[ 19:49:06 Azrael_the_ungod]: and i feel that cereal was trying to flaunt his so called superiority
[ 19:49:11 Azrael_the_ungod]: and that was wrong
[ 19:49:11 [Cereal]]: death - true, but this is about the chat, NOT THE GAME
[ 19:49:19 Azrael_the_ungod]: AND
[ 19:49:19 [Cereal]]: i wasn't
[ 19:49:26 Azrael_the_ungod]: cereal has reason to hate me
[ 19:49:27 Player5|Skull]: Cereal's right...
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[ 19:49:38 Chaps]: Yeah i agree
[ 19:49:39 Azrael_the_ungod]: since i targeted him on graal
[ 19:49:41 [Cereal]]: i do Az?
[ 19:49:45 Azrael_the_ungod]: so did PACHUKA
[ 19:49:49 Azrael_the_ungod]: you said so yourself
[ 19:49:50 Death]: But its a part of the game and w/o the game you would have nothing
[ 19:49:51 [Cereal]]: i don't give a crap about that
[ 19:49:52 Azrael_the_ungod]: you logged it all
[ 19:49:54 Galen]: The Chat Admin does have higher authority than the other ops (hensethe title: Chat Admin). Although other people may have played longer or had ops longer, the Admin has the final say.
[ 19:49:56 Azrael_the_ungod]: unless of course
[ 19:50:00 Azrael_the_ungod]: you altered the chat...
[ 19:50:13 Azrael_the_ungod]: you see
[ 19:50:15 [Cereal]]: <Galen> The Chat Admin does have higher authority than the other ops (hensethe title: Chat Admin). Although other people may have played longer or had ops longer, the Admin has the final say.
[ 19:50:25 Galen]: you don't have to spam
[ 19:50:30 Azrael_the_ungod]: whatever
[ 19:50:30 Player5|Skull]: That's Cereal's case-in-point.
[ 19:50:34 [Cereal]]: i was showing pach
[ 19:50:35 Evil-Bread]: He took over this Chat and made it Better! He's in charge! 4DO You talk Smack to your BOSS and expect to keep your job!
[ 19:50:41 [Cereal]]: http://graal.terraweb.net/chat/azrael.log - unedited
[ 19:50:47 Azrael_the_ungod]: i put myself in the position to be hated by everyone
[ 19:50:58 Azrael_the_ungod]: i might as well accept it
[ 19:51:03 Azrael_the_ungod]: good bye fuckers
[ 19:51:10 Galen]: ooooook
[ 19:51:11 Player5|Skull]: Uh oh...
[ 19:51:15 [Cereal]]: see
[ 19:51:18 [Cereal]]: guys
[ 19:51:22 Chaps]: cya later!
[ 19:51:23 Galen]: that makes twice in 2 days that he's left
[ 19:51:25 [Cereal]]: as galen said
[ 19:51:34 [Cereal]]: i have the right of way
[ 19:51:44 Galen]: Are you guys dont debating?
[ 19:51:46 [Cereal]]: therefore there should be no argument about this
[ 19:51:49 Player5|Skull]: Let's have a vote, shall we?
[ 19:52:05 Evil-Bread]: I say Cereal should Stay chat Admin
[ 19:52:05 [Cereal]]: lets vote, i won't vot tho.. one sided
[ 19:52:10 Player5|Skull]: All in favor of Cereal, say 123
[ 19:52:16 Evil-Bread]: 123
[ 19:52:19 Chaps]: 123
[ 19:52:20 BobDole53]: I think that though both had reason to do what the did, they both abused their power
[ 19:52:30 Player5|Skull]: 123
[ 19:52:31 Galen]: 8,1I will be the judge/have final say in this matter after I review the log from tonight
[ 19:52:38 [Cereal]]: k
[ 19:52:46 BobDole53]: ack I always take too long to gather my thoughts
[ 19:52:47 Player5|Skull]: All for Az? Say 321
[ 19:52:51 Chaps]: isn't az the onw who ruined graal?
[ 19:53:05 Chaps]: cheated and now we can't play??
[ 19:53:07 [Cereal]]: chaps - thats debatable
[ 19:53:09 Galen]: noONE person messed it up
[ 19:53:16 Player5|Skull]: And BobDole is undecided...
[ 19:53:24 Evil-Bread]: anybody in favor of Az? Didn't thinks so
[ 19:53:49 BobDole53]: not really undecided, I just think that both have an equal case and both acted wrong
[ 19:54:02 Player5|Skull]: Both are at fault, that's true...
[ 19:54:11 Player5|Skull]: But as The Christmas Carol quoted...
[ 19:54:14 [Cereal]]: i acted irrational i agree
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[ 19:54:32 Player5|Skull]: "It is the noe whom is not in the situation who knows EXACTLY what to do in it.
[ 19:54:34 [Cereal]]: but it was to something he created that made me irrational
[ 19:54:37 Player5|Skull]: noe=one
[ 19:54:51 Player5|Skull]: Something like that...
[ 19:55:01 Chaps]: I would of and everybody would have done the same as cereal
[ 19:55:09 destavulo]: anyone know when the new version is bound to arrive?
[ 19:55:21 Player5|Skull]: NEVER MUAHAHA... Um I dunno...
[ 19:55:24 Chaps]: NEVER! :) jk i dont know
[ 19:55:25 Evil-Bread]: I agree with Chaps
[ 19:55:26 Chaps]: ]lol
[ 19:55:32 [Cereal]]: yup
[ 19:55:57 Player5|Skull]: CeriteScribe's getting this logged...
[ 19:56:02 [Cereal]]: yeah
[ 19:56:07 Player5|Skull]: I'd like to now apologize for being late...
[ 19:56:08 [Cereal]]: its going on the page
[ 19:56:12 [Cereal]]: LOL
[ 19:56:15 BobDole53]: I've been logging the entire meeting
[ 19:56:19 [Cereal]]: COOL
[ 19:56:21 [Cereal]]: er cool
[ 19:56:21 Player5|Skull]: I ate out and ordered a meal 3 sizes too big...
[ 19:56:24 [Cereal]]: as have i
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[ 19:56:58 Player5|Skull]: Hello...
[ 19:56:59 BobDole53]: so if anyones missed a part of the meeting just ask
[ 19:57:02 Chaps]: Galen...
[ 19:57:09 [Cereal]]: i barely made it back (running around doiing stuff around the house)
[ 19:57:14 [Cereal]]: in time
[ 19:58:07 Chaps]: he
*** [Cereal] joined the chat at 19:58:42 ***
[ 19:58:48 [Cereal]]: there
[ 19:58:59 Player5|Skull]: Can I talk now?
[ 19:59:02 [Cereal]]: yea
[ 19:59:23 Player5|Skull]: Mine has a straw...
[ 19:59:24 [Cereal]]: sorry guys.. dang [x] button
[ 19:59:41 Player5|Skull]: *annoying sipping noises.*
[ 19:59:46 BobDole53]: so, is there anything else about the subject that someone wants to talk about?
[ 19:59:52 Player5|Skull]: Sorry...
[ 20:00:00 [Cereal]]: anyone?
[ 20:00:01 Player5|Skull]: Personal thoughts?
[ 20:00:13 Chaps]: one more point about AZ.....if he cheats during the game and acts idiotic...wouldn't he screw up the chat als??
[ 20:00:15 Player5|Skull]: From those not involved.
[ 20:00:34 Chaps]: he should have no power
[ 20:00:43 [Cereal]]: too late if u read abuse.txt
[ 20:00:43 Evil-Bread]: last thought cause I gotta go: Cereal is THE MAN!!
[ 20:00:54 [Cereal]]: heh thanks
[ 20:00:58 Player5|Skull]: Whoo hah!
[ 20:01:01 Player5|Skull]: I'll drink to that!
[ 20:01:11 Player5|Skull]: *SIIIIIPPPP*
[ 20:01:25 Player5|Skull]: *Splat* (The drink fell through Player5's skull.
[ 20:01:26 Player5|Skull]: )
[ 20:01:52 BobDole53]: I'll admit that azrael can be a dick on the game, but he's not bad in chat (this might sound like I'm kissing his ass, but that's not what I"m going for)
[ 20:01:57 [Cereal]]: p5 whats ur fav animal?
[ 20:02:07 Player5|Skull]: RHINOCEROS! WHOO HAH!
[ 20:02:15 [Cereal]]: with fur?
[ 20:02:23 Chaps]: no..he can act like dick in chat also
[ 20:02:24 Player5|Skull]: Ummm....
[ 20:02:27 Player5|Skull]: I dunno?
[ 20:02:40 Player5|Skull]: I'm pleading the 5th.
[ 20:02:46 Chaps]: hehe
[ 20:03:02 Player5|Skull]: AGH!
[ 20:03:03 BobDole53]: I'm just going by my own experiences with him in chat though I'm hardly ever on so I guess I wouldn't be the most informed about it
[ 20:03:04 [Cereal]]: there now u havbe a new body
[ 20:03:09 Player5|Skull]: I'm a hea of a cerite!
[ 20:03:11 Player5|Skull]: head
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[ 20:03:35 Player5|Skull]: I'll stick with the skull.
[ 20:03:36 Chaps]: Hey guys got to go
[ 20:03:40 [Cereal]]: k
[ 20:03:45 [Cereal]]: seeya chaps
[ 20:03:47 BobDole53]: bye
[ 20:03:48 Chaps]: cya later
[ 20:04:07 Player5|Skull]: Since this is being logged, I'm not going to say anything about Az, except that he can be nice at times...
[ 20:04:15 Martin]: I am Martin MUAHHAHAH
[ 20:04:23 Player5|Skull]: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[ 20:04:42 Martin]: MUAHHHWHAHHHahhahhA*HAck*AHH*cough*AAHAHHACOW
[ 20:05:04 Martin]: see ya guys later
[ 20:05:09 [Cereal]]: cya
[ 20:05:11 BobDole53]: so is that all of the opinions? or anyone else want to add a final thought?
[ 20:05:12 Player5|Skull]: Bye
[ 20:05:23 [Cereal]]: yea..
[ 20:05:25 Martin]: My Final thought is
[ 20:05:29 Player5|Skull]: I have something to say...
[ 20:05:39 BobDole53]: ok
[ 20:05:44 Martin]: You guys should all be ashamed of your selves
[ 20:05:51 Player5|Skull]: Even though both sides were at fault... I found Cereal slightly less so.
[ 20:05:55 Melkor]: _--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--_
[ 20:06:11 Martin]: *disepears in a cloud of smoke*
[ 20:06:18 [Cereal]]: az has gone too far with the way he acts.. he may supposedly be supoised to be evil for the game its gone 2 far
[ 20:06:31 [Cereal]]: its just bad
[ 20:06:40 Player5|Skull]: supoised?
[ 20:06:43 [Cereal]]: supposed
[ 20:07:00 Melkor]: you type good
[ 20:07:08 BobDole53]: yeah, going by the transcript alone (the one on graal-online) I would have to say that az was more at fault, but given azrael's claim, I say both are equal
[ 20:07:26 [Cereal]]: how is that
[ 20:07:26 Player5|Skull]: It should be 'you type well'
[ 20:07:48 Player5|Skull]: Wait, Galen, Cereal, Who made Mandi an op?
[ 20:07:50 [Cereal]]: galen admitted im higher than him here
[ 20:07:55 [Cereal]]: galen
[ 20:07:59 Player5|Skull]: Okay.
[ 20:08:34 BobDole53]: I don't know how to explain my point in a well compact format without taking an hour but I'm just going to say that my opinon stands at what I stated above
[ 20:08:49 [Cereal]]: k
[ 20:08:51 Player5|Skull]: Take an hour.
[ 20:08:59 Player5|Skull]: I'm dead, I have an eternity.
[ 20:09:08 BobDole53]: well I'll try
[ 20:09:14 [Cereal]]: ur 12 u have 6 years
[ 20:09:18 [Cereal]]: j/k
[ 20:09:28 Player5|Skull]: NOOO!
[ 20:10:15 Player5|Skull]: I also think that there was something to be detected when Azrael walked out in the middle of this...
[ 20:10:25 [Cereal]]: as do i
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[ 20:10:38 Player5|Skull]: Perhaps, he knew that he was on the bad end...
[ 20:10:50 BobDole53]: based on az claim that you wouldn't ban the bots so he banned them thus it banned you at the same time. then from that it went in a back and forth duel, given that I would have to say that both were at fault though this is just my opinion
[ 20:10:51 [Cereal]]: yup
[ 20:11:15 Player5|Skull]: Masturbate_N? That's wrong...
[ 20:11:26 Player5|Skull]: Yes...
[ 20:11:26 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:28 [Cereal]]: he didn't explain WHY he kicked them and banned them
[ 20:11:29 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:29 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:29 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:32 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:34 Player5|Skull]: GALEN!
[ 20:11:35 Masturbate_N]: I like to masturbater
[ 20:11:39 [Cereal]]: galen?
[ 20:11:41 [Cereal]]: thx
[ 20:11:43 Player5|Skull]: Thanl you
[ 20:11:45 Melkor]: lol
[ 20:11:46 Player5|Skull]: thank
[ 20:11:53 Galen]: I'm back form talking with Azrael
[ 20:11:57 Player5|Skull]: There's the exit, learn it well.
[ 20:11:57 [Cereal]]: k
[ 20:12:10 BobDole53]: Cereal>For me to have an actual educated opinion I would of had to of been there
[ 20:12:17 [Cereal]]: yea
[ 20:12:29 BobDole53]: this is just what I've come up with from the given information
[ 20:12:29 Player5|Skull]: BobDole, I have something to say...
[ 20:12:35 BobDole53]: ok
[ 20:12:53 Player5|Skull]: Cereal also claims that Az had not tried to discuss the bots problem with Cereal/
[ 20:13:16 Player5|Skull]: Az might have proven that he had, but I probably blinked and missed it.
[ 20:13:29 Player5|Skull]: ???
[ 20:13:34 Galen]: The log will be acailable online by tomorrow
[ 20:13:35 [Cereal]]: not till i yelled at him, then he said nothin about it and claimed i was abusing my powers
[ 20:13:40 BobDole53]: I see your point
[ 20:14:31 BobDole53]: but like I said, I came up with that from the info available. For me to have a say in this of any importance I would of had to of been there
[ 20:14:33 Player5|Skull]: Azrael needed someone here to really fight for him...
[ 20:15:02 [Cereal]]: nobody here likes him enuf exept PACH
[ 20:15:13 [Cereal]]: who is really incomprehencible
[ 20:15:19 [Cereal]]: when i listen to him
[ 20:15:45 Player5|Skull]: He's gotten a touch more crazy lately...
[ 20:16:30 [Cereal]]: esp since he (Az) made it really hard on himself when he started doing mass-slaps and other things i are not say
[ 20:16:48 [Cereal]]: just b4 the meeting to the crowd
[ 20:17:50 BobDole53]: heh maybe we should form an independant counsel to look into this *laughing at his stupid joke*
[ 20:19:48 Melkor]: wow the room got quiet
[ 20:20:01 Player5|Skull]: Nothing to say... I guess
[ 20:20:12 BobDole53]: finally someone talked
[ 20:20:27 [Cereal]]: hmm
[ 20:20:40 [Cereal]]: i was gettin my grandfather a d\rink
[ 20:20:50 BobDole53]: so is there anything else needed to be discussed or is the meeting over?
[ 20:21:11 [Cereal]]: only galen can decide that
[ 20:21:17 [Cereal]]: his meeting
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[ 20:21:42 Player5|Skull]: Crash...
[ 20:21:47 [Cereal]]: ah
[ 20:21:51 BobDole53]: I know, I was more directing the question to him. Though I left it open in case anyone else had an opinion
[ 20:21:57 BobDole53]: wb p5
[ 20:22:38 Player5|Skull]: Question?
[ 20:22:42 Melkor]: spooooooooooooooooon
[ 20:22:48 Player5|Skull]: Eep!
[ 20:22:55 Melkor]: hehe
[ 20:23:00 BobDole53]: I asked if anything else needed to be discussed or if the meeting was over
[ 20:23:33 Player5|Skull]: Might be.
[ 20:23:45 BobDole53]: galen?
[ 20:23:54 Melkor]: does anyone have a good CD burning program
[ 20:24:14 [Cereal]]: yup
[ 20:24:19 [Cereal]]: EZ-CD creator
[ 20:24:43 Melkor]: how much did you pay for it
[ 20:25:02 [Cereal]]: freeware
[ 20:25:09 Player5|Skull]: Well, I'm outta here.
[ 20:25:16 Melkor]: cool where did you get it
[ 20:25:19 [Cereal]]: WAIT
[ 20:25:22 BobDole53]: bye player5
[ 20:25:25 Player5|Skull]: waiting...
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[ 20:25:31 [Cereal]]: ok evreyone, since galen aint here
[ 20:25:36 Player5|Skull]: ...
[ 20:25:44 [Cereal]]: im closing the meeting, but theres one more thing to do
[ 20:25:57 Player5|Skull]: What would that be?
[ 20:26:06 Galen]: i here
[ 20:26:07 Weatherlight]: say ominabar
[ 20:26:15 Player5|Skull]: ???
[ 20:26:15 Weatherlight]: hehe
[ 20:26:25 Weatherlight]: Galen is dead
[ 20:26:29 Galen]: i here
[ 20:26:30 [Cereal]]: on 3 evreyone say "cheeze" ur on /web/chat/cheeze.log Ur on camded log camera!
[ 20:26:31 Player5|Skull]: !!!
[ 20:26:35 Weatherlight]: no your not
[ 20:26:41 [Cereal]]: 1
[ 20:26:45 Weatherlight]: what?
[ 20:26:45 Galen]: ack!
[ 20:26:50 Melkor]: no way
[ 20:26:50 [Cereal]]: w/b
[ 20:26:54 [Cereal]]: lol
[ 20:26:57 Galen]: i here
[ 20:26:57 Galen]: i here
[ 20:26:58 [Cereal]]: j/k
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[ 20:27:05 Player5|Skull]: Cheeze?
[ 20:27:12 Weatherlight]: GALEN, YOU'RE NOT HERE!
[ 20:27:15 Fuitad]: hi ppl
[ 20:27:17 Melkor]: body cheeze
[ 20:27:21 [Cereal]]: ..hi fuit
[ 20:27:22 Player5|Skull]: He is to!
[ 20:27:25 Weatherlight]: i hate cheeze
[ 20:27:27 Player5|Skull]: I'm outta here
[ 20:27:28 Galen]: i am so here!
[ 20:27:30 [Cereal]]: seeya
[ 20:27:34 Galen]: c'ya! thx!
[ 20:27:35 Weatherlight]: no your not
[ 20:27:38 Galen]: yes I am
[ 20:27:45 [Cereal]]: yes he is
[ 20:27:46 Player5|Skull]: it's disagreeable elf!
[ 20:27:46 Weatherlight]: no you're not
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[ 20:27:53 Melkor]: cereal : where did you get ez-cd creator
[ 20:27:58 BobDole53]: I guess I'll leave to. good meeting all
[ 20:28:12 [Cereal]]: from a friend, i can't send it cause its like 20 megs
[ 20:28:19 [Cereal]]: cya dole
[ 20:28:28 [Cereal]]: bomber!! hey
[ 20:28:34 Bomber39]: Hi
[ 20:28:41 [Cereal]]: sup?
[ 20:28:46 Weatherlight]: I have a happy message for eveyone
[ 20:28:53 Melkor]: i got ot go
[ 20:28:54 Weatherlight]: SOMNUS IS STUPID!
[ 20:28:55 Melkor]: bye
[ 20:29:07 Weatherlight]: and
[ 20:29:10 Bomber39]: A lo. My computer crashed on sunday.
[ 20:29:14 Weatherlight]: PACHUKA WILL DIE!
[ 20:29:19 [Cereal]]: amen
[ 20:29:26 Bomber39]: Why?
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[ 20:29:38 [Cereal]]: ....
[ 20:29:43 Weatherlight]: because .. weatherlight said so
[ 20:29:43 Azrael_the_ungod]: DAMN CABLE MODEM
[ 20:30:20 Weatherlight]: 8 i can write in yellow
[ 20:30:27 PACHUKA]: yuck
[ 20:30:30 Bomber39]: What's the news on graal?
[ 20:30:31 [Cereal]]: 8,0%0,8%8,84,8%8,4%4,45,4%4,5%5,51,5%5,1%1,10,1 yay 1,15,1%1,5%5,54,5%5,4%4,48,4%4,8%8,80,8%8,0%
[ 20:30:31 PACHUKA]: how annoying
[ 20:30:54 Weatherlight]: PACHUKA YOU WILL DIE!
[ 20:31:05 PACHUKA]: Bomber39, hope you don't mind, i linked to your levels
[ 20:31:12 PACHUKA]: Weatherlight, k
[ 20:31:19 PACHUKA]: moron.
[ 20:31:24 Bomber39]: On the new RW?
[ 20:31:30 Fuitad]: Weatherlight shut it, grown up and get a damn life, these are the source of the problem we always get
[ 20:31:37 Bomber39]: The stefan never put up?
[ 20:31:50 PACHUKA]: no, the outside of sky tower
[ 20:31:51 Weatherlight]: oh yay
[ 20:32:08 Bomber39]: why would I care?
[ 20:32:21 Weatherlight]: fine then, im leaving
[ 20:32:38 PACHUKA]: because some people shit themselves
[ 20:33:16 PACHUKA]: like me
[ 20:33:56 Bomber39]: ......
[ 20:34:05 PACHUKA]: check it out
[ 20:34:07 PACHUKA]:
[ 20:34:21 Bomber39]: Ok, but is graal on-line?
[ 20:34:47 PACHUKA]: it will be when it comes back online
[ 20:35:51 PACHUKA]: I've worked my ass off, and I'm still not done
[ 20:36:16 Bomber39]: Looks good, but is the whole south/west yours?
[ 20:36:18 Weatherlight]: 9 someone is now someone else
[ 20:36:48 PACHUKA]: Bomber39 yes
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[ 20:37:29 PACHUKA]: I have completely filled in the southwest
[ 20:37:34 Azrael_the_ungod]: FUCKING COMPUTER
[ 20:37:37 Fuitad]: hiya az
[ 20:37:38 Bomber39]: dang. That must have taken a while. IS Graal ever comming back on-line?
[ 20:37:43 Azrael_the_ungod]: hi fuitad
[ 20:37:53 PACHUKA]: yeah, someday
[ 20:38:09 Bomber39]: is Stefan still around then?
[ 20:38:10 Azrael_the_ungod]:
[ 20:38:13 Azrael_the_ungod]: my server is up
[ 20:38:16 PACHUKA]: when cyberwhore and the players aren't retarded
[ 20:38:47 Azrael_the_ungod]: non retarded players...dream on
[ 20:38:53 Fuitad]: lol
[ 20:38:54 Bomber39]: LOL
[ 20:38:59 PACHUKA]: BWAHAHA
[ 20:39:58 PACHUKA]: when the southern area is filled, I'm making it for advanced players.
[ 20:40:02 Bomber39]: I'v just about given up on RW. I think I should. Stefan hasn't done anything. I need him to change one little link and it's still the same.
[ 20:40:24 PACHUKA]: I'm gonna make it real easy to hurt graal lamers
[ 20:40:25 Weatherlight]: la la la la la
[ 20:40:39 PACHUKA]: like Weatherlight, for example
[ 20:40:44 Azrael_the_ungod]: he he he
[ 20:40:50 Weatherlight]: Hey that wasn't nice
[ 20:40:57 Bomber39]: Pach, you think I should contiue my work on the south also
[ 20:41:14 PACHUKA]: Bomber39, can i redo your area?
[ 20:41:31 Bomber39]: No, I'm going to.
[ 20:42:16 PACHUKA]: thank god
[ 20:42:23 PACHUKA]: those square trees piss me off
[ 20:42:29 Bomber39]: 1 fix way out 2 finish the quest, then Maybe expand. Hey. How about we make the south togather?
[ 20:42:51 Azrael_the_ungod]: maybe i'll give my baby to pachuka or bomber39 now that the stick is out of his ass
[ 20:43:08 Bomber39]: what stick?
[ 20:43:13 Weatherlight]: oh yay
[ 20:43:53 Azrael_the_ungod]: the stick called piccolo
[ 20:43:58 PACHUKA]: Weatherlight will die!!
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[ 20:44:18 PACHUKA]: Bomber39 had a pickle in his ass
[ 20:44:22 Weatherlight]: I know that
[ 20:44:33 PACHUKA]: MUD?
[ 20:44:39 DA_BRADY]: hi galen
[ 20:44:47 Bomber39]: Who care bout that. RW is in the past.
[ 20:44:47 DA_BRADY]: hi azrael
[ 20:44:59 Fuitad]: Multi User Dongeon
[ 20:45:02 PACHUKA]: I still have RW on my hd
[ 20:45:12 Azrael_the_ungod]: fuitad
[ 20:45:12 DA_BRADY]: me too
[ 20:45:17 Azrael_the_ungod]: call it Azrael's hell
[ 20:45:25 Fuitad]: Azrael_the_ungod you wish =)
[ 20:45:27 DA_BRADY]: shoh and i made a new head file
[ 20:45:35 Bomber39]: Pach, what do you think? We could make the south a deadly place.
[ 20:45:40 Fuitad]: az> i want ppl to join it
[ 20:45:50 DA_BRADY]: join what
[ 20:45:57 Fuitad]: DA_BRADY my MUD
[ 20:46:06 PACHUKA]: Bomber39, I allready have the southwest all set up.
[ 20:46:16 DA_BRADY]: well i couldnt think of a name
[ 20:46:35 DA_BRADY]: ill make some gifs
[ 20:46:37 Azrael_the_ungod]: he he
[ 20:46:38 Bomber39]: But I'm making the south east. We could work togather.
[ 20:46:39 Azrael_the_ungod]: i would join
[ 20:46:43 Azrael_the_ungod]: but i have everquest
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[ 20:46:55 DA_BRADY]: is it a guild
[ 20:46:57 PACHUKA]: I'm still busy with the southwest