[16:22] ppl tried to disrupt my authoriton [16:22] seeing as he is the only op you idio [16:22] t [16:22] well [16:23] did you deop mandi greatn [16:23] Mandi I think Cereal took your op power away after all that stuff you did last night [16:23] no I didnt [16:23] well cereal will be banned [16:23] cereal wouldnt do that [16:23] Cereal is the Admin! [16:23] no i am [16:23] why would he do that though? [16:23] and galen is [16:23] ceral is a pauper's fool [16:23] he he [16:23] Cereal and Galen and you are --- [16:24] so [16:24] i abuse my power all the time [16:24] hehe [16:24] its fun aint it [16:24] she was kcicking ppl for no reason, [16:24] especially against dorks --- [16:24] galen decides who has op powers [16:24] not cereal [16:24] i kicked banned the op --- [16:25] AZ now why did you de-op me? [16:25] its a word greatn [16:26] because greatn [16:26] probably cause you are an annoying shit [16:26] he he [16:26] or thats why id do it.. [16:26] *** SirGreatn has quit IRC (QUIT: ) [16:26] my woman came to me saying you were being mean [16:26] wah [16:26] he he he [16:26] he was [16:26] he threatened to kick me at least 10 times [16:26] *** SirGreatn (JAVGUEST@***.knology.net) has joined #Graal [16:26] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SirGreatn [16:26] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: -o SirGreatn [16:26] for saying fuck or shit or something [16:26] oh good [16:26] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: +v SirGreatn [16:26] huh? [16:26] try it again [16:26] and i ban you [16:26] *** SirGreatn (JAVGUEST@***.knology.net) has left #Graal [16:26] *** SirGreatn (JAVGUEST@***.knology.net) has joined #Graal [16:26] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SirGreatn [16:26] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: -o SirGreatn [16:26] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: +b *!*JAVGUEST@*.knology.net [16:26] *** SirGreatn was kicked by Azrael_Ashavan ( I'm only doing this because I care ) [16:26] what did he try? [16:26] hehehe [16:26] * Melkor smashes in SirGreatn's head with a tire iron [16:27] he said i banned him, which i did not [16:27] and he had such a fit over saying bad words. if he doesnt like it he should leave.... --- [16:29] *** TonySchiavone (JAVGUEST@***.knology.net) has joined #Graal [16:29] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o TonySchiavone [16:29] he's back [16:29] *** Azrael_the_Ungod sets mode: -o TonySchiavone [16:29] *** Azrael_the_Ungod sets mode: +v TonySchiavone [16:29] maybe he will behave [16:29] we want the bot [16:29] behave [16:29] and i won't ban you [16:29] Why do you keep de-opping me? [16:30] *** RwO_Edge (radio@***.Res.McGill.CA) has joined #Graal [16:30] a precaution [16:30] incase you try to attack me [16:30] *** TonySchiavone is now known as SirGreatn --- [16:31] my woman came to me upset because you were threatening her [16:32] if her abuse of power continued I would ban her for a minute [16:32] she can use fuck all she wants [16:32] and she can abuse her power all she wants [16:32] thats not why I was going to kick her [16:32] how is saying fuck an abuse of power? [16:32] who gave you op powers [16:32] it isnt [16:32] Cereal, the admin [16:32] then greatn, what were you going to kick me for> [16:33] and ban me? [16:33] okay [16:33] that's it [16:33] cereal is going to be de opped --- [16:34] *** Azrael_the_Ungod sets mode: s [16:34] ok you be back [16:34] AZ who has more power, you or Galen? [16:34] *** RwO_Edge (radio@***.Res.McGill.CA) has left #Graal [16:34] galen [16:34] but i am next in line [16:35] I think Galen made Cereal an admin [16:35] he did [16:35] but cereal can't touch me [16:35] if he does [16:35] well [16:35] you won't like to see [16:36] I have some feeling this is going on Pachuka bitches or something of the sort. You are probably recording this [16:36] oops i said bitches [16:36] you see I have no problem with foul language but when it is used strictly for the purposes of annoying ppl [16:37] greatn [16:37] And trust me, almost EVERYBODY in the room was complaining about mandi [16:37] yes? [16:37] i will allow you to keep your op powers [16:37] ok [16:37] just as long as you don't fuck with mandi --- [17:14] *** Azrael_the_Ungod (azrael@***.elp.rr.com) has joined #Graal [17:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Azrael_the_Ungod [17:14] hi im savior and i have a stick up my ass [17:14] *** Savior was kicked by Cerite2 (REQUESTED) [17:14] uh oh [17:14] Cereal there are some major problems with Cerites [17:14] *** Savior (java@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Graal [17:14] <[Cereal][School]> ? [17:14] *** Azrael_the_Ungod sets mode: -ooo [Cereal][School] Cerite2 Cerite1 [17:14] *** Azrael_the_Ungod sets mode: +b *!*@***.tus.azstarnet.com [17:14] *** [Cereal][School] was kicked by Azrael_the_Ungod ( I'm only doing this because I care ) [17:14] *** Cerite2 was kicked by Azrael_the_Ungod ( Error processing request, please try again ) [17:14] *** Cerite1 was kicked by Azrael_the_Ungod ( You make a big target for such a sorry little lamer hehe ) --- [17:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@***.tus.azstarnet.com [17:19] what? [17:19] *** [Cereal] (luser@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [17:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [Cereal] --- [17:22] mandi [17:22] i'll have you opped when ghalen comes back [17:22] what [17:22] k --- [17:23] he won't abuse his op powers anymore --- [17:24] *** PACHUKA (Plow@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU) has joined #Graal [17:24] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PACHUKA [17:24] i wanna be an op [17:24] <[Cereal]> hey pach... i took care of it [17:24] where is galen [17:24] oh did you cry to pach [17:25] oh my god [17:25] <[Cereal]> no i asked hom to unban me --- [17:27] i haven't been a dick to anyone in 4 days [17:27] you probably copied it from somewhere [17:27] i feel like evil [17:27] he he [17:27] too bad graal is down [17:28] *** Death (java@***.ipt.aol.com) has joined #Graal [17:28] <[Cereal]> az - don't ban jave or AOL, theres like 10 other ppl using that [17:28] =[ --- [17:28] cereal what part as i do as i please don't you understand [17:28] SHEESH [17:28] PACHUKA and me have the right [17:28] weve heard that a billion times [17:28] haha --->[17:28] given to us by galen himself<--- --- [17:50] that allowing for non-elders to elect elders is dumb. [17:50] it won't happen [17:50] don't worry about it --- [18:07] *** AznAndy was kicked by Azrael_Ashavan ( Would you like fries with that? ) [18:07] Cereal is abusing his power [18:07] god [18:07] I could'nt get on [18:07] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: -o Cereal[BRB] [18:07] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: +b *!*@***.tus.azstarnet.com [18:07] *** Cereal[BRB] was kicked by Azrael_Ashavan ( Her lips suck forth / see where it flies ) [18:07] *** CeriteScribe was kicked by Azrael_Ashavan ( My foot itches... ahh... much better... ) [18:08] *** the is now known as The_Unknown [18:08] he remains banned until i have a chat with galen --- [18:10] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: -ob Cereal[BRB] *!*@*.elp.rr.com [18:10] *** Cereal[BRB] was kicked by Azrael_Ashavan ( please don't ban me ) [18:10] *** Cereal[BRB] (luser@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [18:10] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Cereal[BRB] [18:11] *** Azrael_Ashavan was kicked by Cereal[BRB] (Yo momma so fat when she steps on a scale, it read "one at a time, please") [18:11] *** Cereal[BRB] sets mode: +b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:11] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: -b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:11] *** Azrael_Ashavan (azrael@***.elp.rr.com) has joined #Graal [18:11] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Azrael_Ashavan [18:11] *** Cereal[BRB] is now known as [Cereal] [18:11] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: +b *!*luser@*.azstarnet.com [18:11] *** [Cereal] sets mode: +b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:11] *** Azrael_Ashavan sets mode: -b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:11] *** Azrael_Ashavan was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo momma so skinny she has to wear a belt with spandex.) [18:11] *** [Cereal] sets mode: +b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:11] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo' momma's so ugly, it makes me wish birth control is retroactive!) [18:11] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE (Plow@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU) has joined #Graal [18:11] *** [Cereal] sets mode: +b *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:11] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PACHAWAYKTHXBYE [18:12] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo momma so fat I tried to drive around her and I ran out of gas.) [18:12] <[Cereal]> AZ kicked and banned me [18:12] I noticed.... [18:12] ok [18:12] <[Cereal]> then i k/b'd him [18:12] Az was de-oping people [18:12] He didn't like seeing AznAndy an op... [18:12] <[Cereal]> then pach un did it [18:12] <[Cereal]> the i KBed them both [18:12] GOOD [18:13] Make me a OP [18:13] *** ChanServ sets mode: -o [Cereal] [18:13] -ChanServ:#Graal- PACHAWAYKTHXBYE deopped [Cereal] [18:13] -ChanServ:#Graal- PACHAWAYKTHXBYE deopped Graal [18:13] -ChanServ:#Graal- PACHAWAYKTHXBYE deopped [Cereal] [18:13] -ChanServ:#Graal- PACHAWAYKTHXBYE deopped Graal [18:13] *** AznAndy sets mode: +o [Cereal] [18:13] *** AznAndy sets mode: +o Graal [18:13] there [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE (Plow@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PACHAWAYKTHXBYE [18:14] *** [Cereal] changes topic to 'I have banned AZ and Pach' [18:14] Only cereal can change the topic [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: -o [Cereal] [18:14] *** [Cereal] was kicked by PACHAWAYKTHXBYE ( If you have to ask, you'll never know ) [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: -o Graal [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: +b *!*Graal@*.radteam.com [18:14] *** Graal was kicked by PACHAWAYKTHXBYE ( My Karma just ran over your Dogma ) [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*luser@*.azstarnet.com [18:14] *** [Cereal] (luser@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [Cereal] [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo' momma's so old, her birth certificate says "expired" on it!) [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE (Plow@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PACHAWAYKTHXBYE [18:14] *** [Cereal] sets mode: +b *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: -ob [Cereal] *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:14] *** [Cereal] was kicked by PACHAWAYKTHXBYE ( please don't ban me ) [18:14] *** [Cereal] (luser@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [Cereal] [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo' momma's so fat, she shops for clothes in the local tent shop!) [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE (Plow@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o PACHAWAYKTHXBYE [18:14] *** [Cereal] sets mode: +b *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:14] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE sets mode: -ob [Cereal] *!*@***.mw.issp.UCSC.EDU [18:14] *** [Cereal] was kicked by PACHAWAYKTHXBYE ( please don't ban me ) [18:14] *** [Cereal] (luser@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [18:14] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [Cereal] [18:15] *** CeriteScribe (AcIdBarBoT@***.tus.azstarnet.com) has joined #Graal [18:15] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o CeriteScribe [18:15] Cereal cannot be banned or kicked [18:15] niether can i [18:15] yes [18:15] <[Cereal]> im chat admin [18:15] War of the ops... I suppose... [18:15] so am i [18:15] <_Corson_> !ball stuff? [18:15] MAKE ME A OP [18:15] <[Cereal]> nope, i am THE chat administrator [18:15] <_Corson_> uh... [18:15] AcidSlave is not here [18:15] <[Cereal]> ur an elder, but this is my domain, here u aint nuthin [18:15] no, galen is [18:15] kick [Cereal] [18:16] do'h! [18:16] *** ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@***.elp.rr.com [18:16] *** Ungod (azrael@***.elp.rr.com) has joined #Graal [18:16] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ungod [18:16] Ahem! [18:16] Bad! [18:16] *** TonySchiavone is now known as Sirgreatn [18:16] *** PACHAWAYKTHXBYE is now known as PACHUKA [18:16] *** Ungod is now known as Azrael_Ashavan [18:16] ahh! [18:16] ............... [18:16] hmmmmmmmmm [18:16] Galen made Cereal the Admin! [18:16] <_Corson_> this will never end [18:16] YES [18:16] yes [18:16] crappo [18:16] and galen will take away his power [18:16] SOMEO?NE TELL ME HOW TO DO THE MIRC SCRIPTING! [18:16] Galen is a loser [18:16] <[Cereal]> " *CHAT SECTION UPDATED* Cereal took it over for me!" [18:16] Them's fightin' words! [18:16] *** The_Unknown was kicked by [Cereal] (Yo momma so nasty she made right guard turn left.) [18:17] Whoo hah! [18:17] *** The_Unknown (java@***.tnt4.manassas.va.da.uu.net) has joined #Graal [18:17] haha [18:17] how is he an elder? [18:17] heh [18:17] Who? [18:17] <[Cereal]> i have logs on u and pach [18:17] plz [18:17] Galen [18:17] so? [18:17] plz tell me how to make a bot in Javascript [18:17] <[Cereal]> and u 2 will have ur ops removed gentelmen *scoff* [18:17] PACHUKA! [18:17] ha ha [18:17] Galen started GO userpage [18:17] what's your point, I have logs of you as well. [18:18] <[Cereal]> doing what? [18:18] "PACHUKA IS MY DADDY!" [18:18] PACHUKA, he thinks galen likes him over us [18:18] <_Corson_> i have logs... [18:18] I've been idle for about 20 minutes [18:18] So i'll kick his azz and takeover [18:18] heh [18:18] AZ is an admin too, above you i believe cereal [18:18] <[Cereal]> yes [18:18] i was the 2nd admin [18:18] I had to come back because you're abusing your ops [18:18] UNKNOWN! One more word.... [18:18] then came pach [18:18] word [18:18] someobne tell me how to make a friggin bot [18:18] *throaht Clearing noise* Cereal so good bye to your OP when Azrael and pach give them the script [18:18] Fine [18:18] !quote [18:18] Galen is a newbie [18:18] <[Cereal]> greatn - az is the news admin [18:19] oh [18:19] <[Cereal]> im the chat admin [18:19] Galen has been here since ZO!!!!! [18:19] I am using MIRC NOW! [18:19] so have i [18:19] <_Corson_> so have i [18:19] *** The_Unknown was kicked by P5|Dead_Demonic_Skull (Maybe you should actually PLAY Graal...) [18:19] so have i [18:19] i have been here before galen [18:19] Who hasnt [18:19] *** The_Unknown (java@***.tnt4.manassas.va.da.uu.net) has joined #Graal [18:19] <_Corson_> me too [18:19] if you havent been here since ZO you are a newbie [18:19] well he fights and acts like one [18:19] *** PACHUKA sets mode: -o [Cereal] [18:19] *** PACHUKA sets mode: +b *!*luser@*.azstarnet.com [18:19] *** [Cereal] was kicked by PACHUKA (  Blacklisted  - *poof* ) [18:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*luser@*.azstarnet.com [18:19] *** PACHUKA sets mode: -o CeriteScribe [18:19] *** PACHUKA sets mode: +b *!*cIdBarBoT@*.azstarnet.com [18:19] *** CeriteScribe was kicked by PACHUKA ( My foot itches... ahh... much better... ) [18:19] ive been her since version 6 [18:19] I've been here before zo was on cyber [18:20] bye bye, little bitch [18:20] well well well [18:20] buahahaha [18:20] <_Corson_> me too [18:20] can he get back on.. ever> [18:20] i have lasted since the middle of ZO [18:20] *** ChanServ (service@webchat.org) has joined #Graal [18:20] *** ChanServ sets mode: +ib *!*@* [18:20] *** The_Unknown was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** Azrael_Ashavan was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** PACHUKA was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** Sirgreatn was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** Death was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** AznAndy was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** Manspider was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** _Corson_ was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** P5|Dead_Demonic_Skull was kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) [18:20] *** You were kicked by ChanServ (MKICK by [Cereal]) *** Attempting to rejoin... Session Close: Thu Mar 18 18:20:18 1999 [19:27] ok