#graal - irc.stinkybear.net

Statistics generated on Friday 26 July 2024 - 11:54:29
During this 7814-day reporting period, a total of 4177 different nicks were represented on #graal.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 Frequent3996151067855451610647913183528460917.12 days ago"so i get it from here now https://watchwrestling.ec/"
2 Jason320497115052368715055511801921284256.6yesterday"god i don't think aerith is even going to die this time"
3 owlshimy2895767880041909734999536820081746.91189 days ago"i COULD JUST NOTUSE ONE BUT OR EHWATEVER UCK IT I/M GLDI"
4 SKORP2682828900146686609527164324126349.0220 days ago"what are they doing with the god damn fertilizer making a bomb"
5 owl1914905489121813400977468917085248.9648 days ago"yeah, i was right all along. i really am something else."
6 mrtanooki121786303471087532943476217480756.1216 days ago"is it like a deliberately cut hole or just like rotteed"
7 Corson120799350372468217386436947305066.03 days ago"damn a boat just took out a bridge in baltimore"
8 Asif109813238942245433001304645822565.31449 days ago"jason have you tried monster hunter world it's really good"
9 spigety93410496471201011319204346392786.82406 days ago"I MEAN DO YIOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WILDERNESS SURVIVAL"
10 Spider80447341201936212123148425006906.23346 days ago"damn my lightbulb blew because the outlet in my house sucks"
11 Osmium6633623099948013305204525116927.74797 days ago"np: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (4:47)"
12 djancak6255515840631819041213564044716.5229 days ago"damn are you playing troll and PK fuckfest online"
13 precarious5347010594825812943216754021087.53684 days ago"NOW I FIND IT ALL MARKED DOWN too bad it's still like 1.50 a can"
14 Azrael444729911110468210153052566405.82382 days ago"for the last 3 weeks i have been able to do 1 days work"
15 distorbiant428001938445512390240172071094.86015 days ago"I will only have next saturday to mess around the town"
16 Salia394796417148341547727511683544.3today"it starded as a standard procedure , removing bunion"
17 Osmium_Ninja340417606416310059122132469397.36719 days ago"I am super pain man right now so I will lie down"
18 JubeiSaotome3240415206768387291930346.06018 days ago"http://mightyjustice.net/jubei-
19 Mizterie30250146563657488170561787265.94852 days ago"and some people actually change it to other fucking words"
20 SuperNick30208214764578682129221787165.964 days ago"* Spigety (~redips@ has joined #cops"
21 Mafukie28507111692514539694281844336.52 days ago"I HAVE TO GO TO THE BAKERY AND DESIGN THEIR IT PLAN"
22 cim265051027114784612101441755366.65134 days ago"and i have been trying to im him and shit and he never responds"
23 mrtanuki2346663164414479579411537206.61963 days ago"haha the 3 phase reduction of 2 valence electrons into die pear"
24 Diefool196078367106426517525927764.7756 days ago"so just write yourself off as incompatible with people"
25 ShadowFox1897478232440418345281023325.411 days ago"http://www.reapermini.com/misc-
26 diefoolz1803610903246911763488974325.46072 days ago"so i had to set shit straight with them and my bank"
27 PHANTOM166533611372847754539748654.51418 days ago"i can prove to my metaphysical body that god exists"
28 orville_skinny1645936431167264490051266417.75106 days ago"so i can get drunk and lose money and get closer to being fired"
29 mrtanewki156528089188618263851764384.93992 days ago"EARNTOFLY?WHEREDIDYOULEARNTOFL-
30 Charles155312806161544446666751404.82165 days ago"my google nexus 5x just bricked after warranty expired"
31 owlphone118221248214833785048868167.31173 days ago"the economy is an imaginary construct it isnt real"
32 Kreep11623213641885261693956.07511 days ago"osmium is like the goat and justice is the supreme nachos"
33 Super_Dragon111432814146630383825864407.86189 days ago"like no talent just overdrive and powerchord and screaming"
34 Freq108853581103122953978696616.4686 days ago"cause id ont get any of that shit on fifa 14 for pc"
35 Centra108422931117735133221849437.83941 days ago"god nitro was like fucking four hours long too"
36 Trulz10720280348427054728643766.04384 days ago"SO IF YOU ALREADY BEAT THE GAME IT ISN'T VERY USEFUL"
37 jason-work866610817320373864.348 days ago"damn bank of america cancelled my credit card for fraud"
38 RetardShimy7664235428525042521515396.75435 days ago"the internet and real life are two different things haha"
39 WaaX709136864487192238397395.62865 days ago"owl does that a lot, runs around naked with a bow killing people"
40 Galen6792128952727392237494347.3656 days ago"Apparently the last time I was here was 2021-03-28"
41 hsif657553779421293115352605.47322 days ago"i dont know whats up with the Ninety-nine K-nine."
42 joe6114285755611461555348915.74480 days ago"AND THEY WERE BETTER THAN HAMBURGERS BY LIKE 9999%"
43 tnuki6056330610564951199398376.64313 days ago"AND REPLACING MY FUCKING ROUTER CONFIG WITH HEAD10.GIF"
44 mytanuki5360107144516942150361306.71716 days ago"here there's protests outside the abortion clinic all the time"
45 mitchell508052090624121242229424.56026 days ago"shi o bi ki: anyway someone had carved/sprayed on the side"
46 Hera487420554022333248205.14549 days ago"Anyone heard what happened to the UCLA student?"
47 `_`484028365424341028313566.54549 days ago"someone paste the url tot he virus jpg I AM TIRED OF THIS MAN"
48 jason-help483810137338332259329356.8306 days ago"AND I WAS DUAL WEILDING HAND AXES WITH LIKE -20 CHANCE TO HIT"
49 andrew478521232107511701344577.25090 days ago"lets move to thailand and grow pot on a houseboat"
50 Incorrect4772140567210111684257455.42872 days ago"the thrill of buying them makes up for the lost gameplay though"
51 Digger4685122935215311573367267.82172 days ago"dude thats the worst. Im going to crash too methinks"
52 OtakuLink466314793666202198295056.37451 days ago"I have four albums, and am pondering deleting them"
53 xyzzy437017156777051273366998.44293 days ago"SPIGETY ECONOMIC SYSTEM: LOL LETS GIVE MONEY TO PARASITES"
54 owl1433012617598581452403939.32249 days ago"i'm using verizon its 50 a month for 7gb unlimited talk/text"
55 Nosroc432911421758733696309477.112 days ago"https://www.youtube.com/watch?-
56 Hawk4154134523211861391228595.56605 days ago"yeah but all of these that e gave me are fuXKdwed up"
57 The_Golden_God4061108058310201378308687.65093 days ago"so i noticed you were avoiding the issue with these pictures"
58 jason_387314652818961231263426.83724 days ago"AND ASIF AND I CAN SEND YOU THE MONEY AS SOO AS TOMORROW"
59 NothingXS38357077547391635198455.24169 days ago"i know they aren't. that's kind of what makes it so sad!"
60 god_of_gods38131969377611856214875.65245 days ago"if i took that shit now i'd probably feel like i was dying"
61 Ni_Ten37559932095402013232266.25757 days ago"That's the crispy sound of nigger ahir burning"
62 nooki3731122925310061243251426.74384 days ago"like they invited a police officer in tot talk about law poopy"
63 djan358215331048021143206015.83366 days ago"SHOW ME SOMEBODY WHO CAN DO AN ACTUAL SHOURYUKEN"
64 potatowl34587176672004232796.76149 days ago", but my mom said i had to get a job so i'm flipping hamburgers"
65 Floydian31621699762178523128384.11654 days ago"if i seemed offended i apologize for misleading you"
66 w0rm3157984683938552198006.3569 days ago"welp, lowtax killed himself and for some reason it made me think"
67 diefoolzz29771380763481353150285.06156 days ago"if i alternate between mind blast and star shards its ok"
68 diefoolATWORK29451984172214575159865.46075 days ago"sup have you ever tried to solve einstein's riddle"
69 horndog29422376218231261198766.84003 days ago"THE PREVIOUS STATEMENT NOW APPLIES TO JOHN SCHOCK"
70 Satoshi_Kojima29241260312582770245658.45576 days ago"have to liek move to alaska to get away from the niggers"
71 lwo28351618304216697211037.45285 days ago"like one of those 50 year olds walking around with six phones"
72 Freqman2823409431990993200567.11051 days ago"heh even worst is if you don't love her or anything"
73 Vertigo27948871495401218207537.4626 days ago"Now the greed is concentrated in wlamart and amazon"
74 Spider[options]27407801059724177174816.47525 days ago"phantom this game sucks it crashed for no reason"
75 precious_gravy27274202614101636222538.23417 days ago"WHICH IS SHITTY AND I'M GLAD I HAVEN'T PAID FOR IT"

These didn't make it to the top:
XDaKreepX (2725) mastertanuki (2628) vamp_shimy (2594) Spijer (2528) Eiko (2480)
God (2454) DILLIES (2446) Daniel^ (2442) The_King (2430) Phantasm (2404)
d13f00l (2353) galen-w3rk (2324) df00z (2306) dsfargeg (2239) Cordyceps (2167)
NickSoSlick (2140) DirtyOldShimy (2116) mrtanooki[work] (2088) diefoolzzzzzzz (2067) precious (2046)
SKORPYAN (1981) DarkMoon (1967) Clops (1962) Keiji_Mutoh (1922) wrappedinskin (1840)
yzzyx (1828) WIGWAM_SEX_NEXUS (1777) FowlShamwow (1742) MrOwlShimmy (1736) KINGOFTHEUNIVERSE (1694)
Lord_Scorpion (1687) fux0r (1672) Spider[the_scorpion_king] (1667) Osmium[sick] (1609) John[SKORP] (1567)
Evan (1502) lol (1496) Michael (1485) groildog (1480) Mastor_Cheez (1480)
Spider[SUIKODEN] (1451) dfbot (1440) SeveredSplit (1424) tanooki (1402) krang (1380)
yay_brains (1379) Spider[icewind] (1368) keyboardzord (1362) Sue (1361) doctor_schultz (1338)
redips (1327) distmini (1320) the_corpse (1306) oO0Oo (1305) conmanINVEGAS (1295)
Kibby (1290) meat (1239) King_Owl_of_Shimy (1237) Frepuent (1227) Villain_Shimy (1220)
djancak_VIP (1218) Mr_Hindley (1212) preciousgravy (1205) OeL_Simy_GRaLL_PLaYuR (1200) chris (1191)
KIBBYAN_KOMMANDER (1187) Spider[reporter] (1186) PHANTOM|Team_Zoom (1184) tanukiSHIMY (1182) cop (1180)
tanuki (1173) Azrael_D (1167) owel (1165) battousai (1160) TOP (1143)
Charlie (1140) Too_Cold_Scorpio (1136) Musashi_Gokuden (1126) Crono (1125) PocketIRC (1125)
funelarTURDUCKEN (1123) fowl (1107) The_Unicorn (1100) crowl (1094) Zodiac (1089)
AdolfHitler (1051) Toshiaki_Kawada (1044) Thirtyninester (1025) diefool1 (1009) Spider|sleep (1003)
hawkshimy (985) Tree (977) Spider[sick] (976) Michael_French (975) Shimy911 (968)
Jay (965) KOAB (961) Flip (946) owl|attheshowdown (930) Mafukie_ (920)
tanookishimy (920) XpliSiT (918) ymihslwo (912) owlshimy|mose_gangsta (907) chuck (903)
distorb (903) Spider[PIRATE] (902) OnlineHost (894) Az_wireless (891) CartmanNr1 (875)
Spider|sick (873) chemical (869) MERLE (869) OneGod (860) Spyke (850)
DogZman (842) dragon (840) cim|sleep (827) NickPage (800) Max_Power (789)
the_Voice (785) pirateofthehouse (783) NATURE_BOY_OWL (780) krymedj (779) Hatred-vs-Wrath (776)
MasterBootRecord (776) COOL_CAT (774) FuriousBunny (772) CorsonOnTheGo (769) Roman (761)
MrHack (758) King_Shimy (757) e (751) mommy (750) Satan_Santana_Santa (741)
SuperNick` (735) Spider[heman] (733) Mushi (717) MrOwelShimmeh (716) [Stealth] (712)
JeffCockmann (689) Killmancer_Shimyquist (688) jesus420 (686) chrimage (681) funelar_turducken (675)
John (661) finnister_manakin (659) Minoru_Suzuki (658) Pete (657) _ (654)

By the way, there were 3952 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 Jason - 115052 Frequent - 54516 Frequent - 106479 Frequent - 131835
2 Frequent - 106785 SKORP - 46686 owlshimy - 73499 Jason - 118019
3 SKORP - 89001 owlshimy - 41909 SKORP - 60952 owlshimy - 95368
4 owlshimy - 78800 Jason - 36871 Jason - 50555 owl - 74689
5 owl - 54891 Corson - 24682 owl - 40097 SKORP - 71643
6 spigety - 49647 Asif - 22454 Asif - 33001 mrtanooki - 47621
7 Corson - 35037 owl - 21813 mrtanooki - 32943 Corson - 43694
8 Spider - 34120 Spider - 19362 djancak - 19041 Asif - 30464
9 mrtanooki - 30347 Salia - 14834 Corson - 17386 distorbiant - 24017
10 Asif - 23894 spigety - 12010 Salia - 15477 precarious - 21675
Total number of lines: 3516048.

go married spider and get blow aids and die
if someone actually needs it that you know, you dont rol lon it
stats generated in 00 hours 04 minutes and 29 seconds